16 June 2009

Tasks 6/12-14/09

This weekend:

* Mixed remnant of one worm bin with remnant of compost under rotator and remaining bag of mushroom compost. Used about a third of this mixture to fill in kiwi bed.

* Made a better, though still not best, protection of kiwi vine plant. In the bed planted Creeping Rosemary Escondido

* Seeded now-empty worm bin and rotator with wet shredded paper, fresh kitchen scraps, dry leaves, and red wigglers from other worm bins.

* Pruned and added more support to the climbing rose on the sidewalk strip.

* Pruned Tamora rose for airflow.

* Cut back geranium. It will regrow quickly. May need to do this one more time this season.

* Planted more nasturtiums around yard in blank spots and to cover other vine plants as they die off later in the summer (such as sweetpeas).

* Planted sunflower King Kong seeds on the sidewalk strip and in the kiwi bed.

* Saw a hummingbird! hovering around the laurel bushes poking up over the neighbors' 'new' fence.

* Had another omg moment, while digging around in the kiwi bed, wondering what that hum was. Not another hummingbird. Bees! Hundreds! Hovering all over the shrubby tree that's growing over the driveway and currently flowering-- these awful little white flowers that turn brown and shed everywhere, with this allergy-inducing cloying smell. Bleh. Bees!

* Went to Garden Fever for advice about the sad apple tree. They think I'm under-watering -- who me? I'm a chronic over-waterer -- and suggested more water and an application of compost tea. We'll see. It may be too late. If so, I'll chalk up to The Learning and get another one in the Fall. Also, got a few other things while I was there (ruby red geum, unusual marigolds, Cuban basil).

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