07 May 2009

Help ?!

Like with most things in life, when it comes to gardening, I know more than some people and less than others. With a few years and a lot of mistakes behind my gardenbooty, Trial and Error have been my mentors.

Wouldn't it be great if there was someone who knew everything, especially about the pecularities of this climate, that you could just ask? Forgo wading through the Interwebs, forgo messing it all up big time, forgo denying yourself the joy of growing some tricky plant (clematis, I'm looking at you).

I present you with such a someone, or someones:

OSU Extension Service Hotline 503-445-4608

Staffed by volunteer Master Gardenders Monday - Friday from 10 am - 2 pm. See the website for more information.

Now, about those black spots on my roses....


  1. WHAT? That is SO cool. I might tell my parents about this, because they both have quite the gardenbooty, whether they like it or not.

  2. They have in-person hours too which can be great for those situations when you're just not sure what you're looking at and you can bring it in (or, fotos of it).
