26 April 2009

Tasks - 4/26/09


* Went to Garden Fever. Bought a few fill-in plants and a pair of cotton gloves.

* Killed and dug up one "granddaddy" blackberry root at the base of the house in my soon-to-be potting area. This is likely the root of the vine that grows out of the siding. Roughly 4 or 5 left to be dug out.

* Weeded from the lilac to the Cafe Ole roses. Moved a plant (not sure what it is? smells like a lemon sage, serrated leaves like a French lavender) to the green bed.

* Discovered some kind of winged mite on the Cafe Ole roses and blasted them with water. Will keep an eye on them.

* Discovered new shoots at the base of the dead, seemingly dead eucalyptus in the backyard. Hunh.

* Went out after dark to look for caterpillars, thought I saw their signature damage in the beds today. Found 4, as opposed to the usual 40 during a plague.

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